Monday, August 25, 2008

Land Rover Crosses Bering Straits

Dodge grilles
Steve Burgess, a farmer from West Yorkshire has become the first person to successful cross the Bering Straits in a road vehicle.

That's a fairly loose interpretation of a road vehicle, as the Land Rover Defender Burgess drove was fitted with floatation devices.

The crossing which stretches between Siberia and Alaska, is more usually attempted in the winter when ice creates a bridge between the two land masses.

However, Steve decided to navigate the gap in the summer as part of his Cape to Cape Expedition.

At its narrowest point the gap is just 56 miles across, though tricky currents, icebergs and tough weather make any crossing difficult.

Steve was caught up in the notoriously tricky weather, having to stop on the island Little Diomede during his crossing.
He ended up adding to the island's population of 140 for a whole month, bad weather and difficulty in sorting out a safety boat almost grounding the adventure.

With the Bering Straits now crossed Burgess will be pressing on through the tundra this winter - the boggy land virtually impassable until it freezes.

Following that Steve plans to drive through North and South America, Steve expecting to cover 30,000 miles on his unique adventure.
Car grilles